Full-Stack Web Development Projects:
1. Cloud Gadget Container [GitHub (Private)]
Final Semester Capstone Project. This is a standalone cloud-based container using Meteor.js framework and React.js (front-end). The application allows rendering of internal and external gadgets and communication between them. It was hosted on a free tier of AWS EC2 instance while development. The application supports Admin and User agent role. An Admin manages user roles and permission and gadget layout configuration for a particular business unit while a user can access those layout and work with gadgets available. It supports Micro-service architecture and is undertaken by Upstream Works as Proof of Concept. As the project was done for a company, the code is on private repository.

2. YelpCamp [GitHub]
Personal/hobby Project. This is an E-commerce Campground website where a user needs to create an account to add their campgrounds to the website. Anyone without the login credentials can still view the campgrounds listed. Once logged in, the application allows user to perform CRUD (Create, Remove, Update and Delete) operations. The application supports MVC architecture where controller is optimized by RESTFUL routing while Embedded.js is used as view and Mongo DB as a model, making this application as SEO-friendly.

3. Short-Link-App [GitHub]
Personal/hobby Project. This is a link-shortner website. This website converts a huge URL into a small ID to have an easy access to it. A user needs to create an account to access the website. On successful login, the application allows to add/maintain the URLs, creates a timestamp for the visited URLs, has a copy to clipboard feature and can hide-unhide the existing URLs using sessions.

4. Pizza Shop [GitHub]
Course work. This a website called Pizza Shop done for a Database Course. The application allows user to create a custom pizza with toppings and gives live updates on the progress to the user waiting on them. Inventory and Order Management is developed with the help of Web Services. The application also supports MVC architecture.

BlockChain Projects:
1. Kickstart [GitHub]
Personal/hobby Project. A Decentralized CrowdFunding website. The application facilitates anyone who wants to start a Campaign and raise contributions for their campaign. Campaign manager can request vendors for the supplies if needed. Users who contribute more than or equal to the amount set for the campaign, gets added to the list of approvers. Approvers can then approve/decline the managers request for the supplies by voting.
As the project is a decentralized web application, anyone who needs to use this application is required to have an Ethereum account and an injected Web3 provider.*

2. Forum (TEAM PROJECT) [GitHub]
Course work. A Decentralized & Incentivized Q&A Forum for UMASS Boston. It is developed to facilitated UMASS students to post questions on any topic of their choice. Every question carries a value and so anyone who answers, earns it. It is deployed on Rinkeby Test net. As UMASS currently does not have any forum, this application solves the problem. The application is still under development as more features are being added.
As the project is a decentralized web application, anyone who needs to use this application is required to have an Ethereum account and an injected Web3 provider.*

3. Betting Application [GitHub]
Courser work. This is a Betting application where several users can register themselves to bet. The application has two user roles, Admin and Players. An Admin sets the number range for betting and give rights to the players whom he/she wants to. It controls the start and ends the bet. Multiple users can login in and place the bet. The prize money is distributed among the winners.

Web Development Projects:
1. Color Game [GitHub]
Personal/hobby Project. This is a fun game where a user needs to understand RGB code and choose a right color to win.

2. Sound [GitHub]
Personal/hobby Project. This is an application on Sounds which is produced on KeyPress.